Bharat Negi is a seasoned SEO professional with a passion for digital marketing and a track record of achieving remarkable results for businesses of all sizes. With over a decade of experience in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization, Bharat has emerged as a trusted authority. His journey from a curious novice to an accomplished SEO expert is a testament to his dedication and unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of this dynamic industry.
He has more than 8 years of experience in SEO or Digital Marketing. Working for various top SEO agencies and handling a diverse portfolio of clients provided Bharat with invaluable experience. He honed his skills in on-page and off-page SEO, technical SEO, keyword research, and team management. His ability to develop and execute comprehensive SEO strategies became his trademark, and clients began to seek him out for his expertise.
Please Take a Look at My Recent Seo Projects & Work Portfolio
Project Name: IVS School Of Art & Design (Gmb)

Project Name: IVS School Of Art & Design (SEO)

Project Name: IVS School Of Art & Design (Google ads)

Project Name: Dasaprakash (Gmb)

Project Name: Volume.in

Project name: Kanpeki Skincare

Project name – Sipgel.com

Project name: Sloshout
Keywords: Banquet halls in Gurgaon, Party Venues in Delhi, Wedding Venues in Delhi, Restaurants in Delhi for Party, Party Halls in Delhi, Top 10 banquet halls in Delhi, Romantic places in Delhi, Holi farmhouse in Delhi, farmhouse in Delhi for wedding

Web Traffic & Insights (Sloshout)

Project name: Acme Infolabs

Project Name – Creative Thinks Media

Web Traffic & Insights (Creative Thinks Media)

Project name: Jingo Holidays (Travel Agency)

Project name: theholidayadviser.com (International Travel Agency)

Project name – UK International Beauty School (International Project)

Telephone No.9716389179